Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Horse Abuse Signs??? Please Help!!!?

I`ve owned him for 7 years and he has always been supple and kind whenever being handled. As of lately, my horse has been acting differently. He`s jumpy when I touch him, he tends to shiver slightly when I go catch him, & while doing horsemanship, he reared on me. Now for some people thats not a big deal but my horse has NEVER reared or even come CLOSE to it! I just wiggled the rope slightly and walked towards him to have him back up but instead he went straight up and started to panick and back up like crazy! He wouldn`t stop! It took 15 minutes to get him to calm back down. I never tried backing him up ever since. After that, I noticed that the chain of his lead rope on his halter was not how I left it. I always loop it through the ring and latch it back on itself, but I found it latched on the ring instead. Seeing that I looked at his nose and saw that were his little wart thing was, the hair was all missing. Since then I`ve been checking him daily for cuts and he`s been getting alot of wounds that I can`t explain, bruises and he has never hurt himself before. He`s turned out with a mare yes but she`s a quarter of his size and can`t reach his face or the top of his butt. He has a long slightly curved series of cuts on his face that he wouldn`t let me touch which isn`t like him. He loves to be touched and to hide in your pockets. Do you think I`m being paranoid or are these signs he`s being abused?? I know for a fact that the barn manager there hates me. She starts up alot of drama and abuses me verbally and since I work there, she takes advantage of me often. Please help me!! My boyfriend thinks I`m being paranoid and that its all in my head but I`m starting to seriously worry!!! I`m working hard to get him out of there but if these are signs of abuse, I`m gonna comfront her about it. Please help!!!

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