Thursday, July 21, 2011
Do I need to make an appointment with my dentist or is this normal?
No idea, answered your other question. My advice is to go to another dentist and get their professional opinion. Perhaps you can even switch to a better dentist, if it is possible. Your dentist sounds like a prick.
How can I be closer to God without feeling as if I'm missing out on something?
Yes. Suffering is an important Christian concept. Even if your awareness of it is not heightened, you will be in an environment where it is more fully appreciated. Have you ever tried to paint the crucifixion?
What's that popular dance right now where people lean back and wiggle their arms?
What's that dance where people bend backwards and wiggle their arms and walk, it looks kinda stupid but its popular with teens and stuff
Stuff about my puppy and about your puppy?
Ok sometimes my puppy would sleep and wiggle a little also he would jump like a horse and it's weird what about you
What does this dream mean?
I had a dream I was with random people and we opened a glass slide door to a wintry scene dotted with wolves. Wolves are my favorite animal. They handed me tranquilizing darts and I stabbed two wolfs with them, they knocked out immediately. Then came a puppy. I tranquilized it but it kept wiggling. We kept it and I woke up.
Do you know anyone who looks like an anime/manga character?
I know someone who looks like Otani from Lovely Complex, but his hair is brown. I say they still look really similar, though. And he's pretty short and plays basketball and people always pick him up and carry him around, so it's funny :P
Poll would you have done this also?
I live on the second floor of an apartment complex and had to take out my trash so I got my trash walked out of my apartment in my bare feet down the steps and out to the trash bin throw out the trash and walked back up to my apartment.
Can a landlord counter sue me?
I am thinking of suing my ex-landlord for not giving me a an itemized deduction list within the 14-day time limit according to Washington State guidelines. I received a partial payment with no explanation. I went through the Better Business Bureau to get a response from the Apt. complex and they told BBB that they gave me an itemized list. They faxed over a copy of my 1-year contract along with a letter to the BBB in which they explained the deductions in the letter (they didn't fax over the itemized list, just an explanation in the letter), along with telling the BBB that they were nice enough to not charge me for the 2 days I was there (I moved out on the 2nd of the month). I gave the apt. complex the 20-day notice to move out notifying them that I was moving on the 3rd. The landlord showed up at my door on the 1st of the month and told me that if I didn't move out on the 2nd, that he would charge me the full month's rent. If I sue them, can they counter sue me for the full months rent or anything else? Thank you.
I want to become a rapper, do you think I Can?
yes, you do! Post yourself rapping (actually put some time & effort into the video!) on youtube & I promise I'll subscribe! & if you do make a rapping account, send me the link!
One of my molars are slightly loose, what should I do?
Leave it alone and baby it for a few days. It will most likely tighten back up. When someone comes into our office with this problem, we always try this before any kind of treatment.
Are sweet potatoes a fat burning food?
I've looked up a bit about them but it's says it's full of complex carbohydrates. I thought fat burning foods had no carbs? I'm trying to find a good sub for regular potatoes :)
My laptop says "Plugged In, Not Charging"?
If that's not it which i doubt. Check wall socket and make sure it turns on something else and check your power cord. Call office depot, best buy and comp usa or local repair techs that work on dell and see wat estimate $ and repair prices are.
Did Real Madrid and their fans even know about Mahamadou Diarra's departure?
Yes, I heard about that, although, you're right there wasn't any big news on that. He didn't play much, maybe that's the reason why, he didn't have a big impact on the team. Nice skit, by the way.
Where are the operating instructions stored in enzymes?
Instructions for manufacturing enzymes are coded in DNA. As enzymes carry out their jobs, even in complex metabolic pathways, they don’t need to ask the DNA for further instructions. Where are the operating instructions stored?
Any clue on what formation Mourinho will use to park the bus against FC Barcelona in the Champions League...?
I have a feeling that Jose Mourinho will start with Cristiano Ronaldo and Di Maria so he can keep his counter attack flow..
Why does it seem like my batter cord doesn't fit into my computer?
Every now and then I'll notice my computer isn't charging and it looks like my battery cord is plugged in, but it doesn't seem like it fits. I've had my computer for a year or two now and its been fin up til this week. I have to wiggle the thing around until it fits. Can someone tell me how to fix this?
Weight problems. I really would like some advice on what to do. I'm stuck. And changes need to be done fast...?
So I am a sixteen year old girl. Almost 17 and going into my senior year and my life is soon approaching. I'm and really overweight. I'm a vegaterian, I eat pretty well, if I eat fast food maybe once a month or not at all. My problem is exercise. I really need to shed alot of pounds. I used to walk around my complex, after dinner everyday. But now summer it's Sooo hot. Makes it unbareable. I dont have alot of money fir treadmills, or join a gym. But I want to make a change, I need to for my health. Diabetes, high blood pressure runs in my family. Please give me some tips.
IPhone 3G broken(maybe)?
It was ripped off the charger and now it takes a while for the charging icon to pop up and you have to wiggle the charger around to make it, or sometimes it just won't ever pop up. If I bring this in, can it be fixed, or do I have to get a new one?
Have u wiggled hair into ur ear using...?
Ur pinky til it sounded "cackly" then pulled it out? LOL i know...weird and random question so i KNOW im gonna be judged haha but ohh my Lordy....a QTip is ALMOST as good as this me, try it and tell me it doesn't give u goosebumps! ;)
Who would you consider better, Xabi Alonso or Xavi?
Xabi the play maker of Barcelona and Xabi Alonso the good player of Real Madrid so Xabi would be the better player
How can I get water out of my ears?
I went to a pool party yesterday, so when I came back home I washed my hair (because I smelled like chlorine) and I have water in my right ear. Its annoying me, I've tried to take a Q-tip and wiggle it in my ear to get some water out.. Any remedies to get the water out fast ? Thanks :)
What is your opinion on racism and segregation in todays world and do you believe there are?
several race issues here and black men seem to have superiority complexes over white men white men hate asians stealing upper level jobs in the business sector
Is my apartment for this injury I sustained?
Yes they are. They have a responsibility to be certain that the lights are on during the evening where there are steps. I suggest that you contact the law school at your university and see if they will represent you in their pro bono program.
Should I call 911? Please help ?
Seriously? you don't consider doing "if I go to the back of my backyard and stick my head through the little hole in the fence and wiggle into their yard a little bit, I can't help but overhear their conversations because that hole is right underneath their bedroom window." that eavesdropping, or looking through their garbage! that just plain CREEPY! Anyway if you are not a T-R-O-L-L than NO its none of your business anyway besides no one got hurt so whats the point? I think the only one that should have the police called on them is you! For being a S-T-A-L-K-E-R!
Tooth is...well something is wrong with it,help!!?
I'm only 23, one of my front teeth on the bottom has bad gum recession, from a lip ring and tongue ring when I was younger, I can't afford to go to the dentist at the moment. The last few days the tooth has been super sensitive and almost feels out of place? It does wiggle a tiny tiny bit but nothing serious. But I'm wondering if it's ready to give out? There are barely any gums around the base on the front and back. Anyone else had this happen? Will it have to get pulled or is there something a dentist can do to save it? I'm to young to be missing a tooth in the front!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Can Spurs midfielders (Palacios and Sandro) afford to carry on their lethargic ways to Europe?
Harry won't be that stupid to play Palacios and Sandro on the same pitch,especially when Modric and van der Vaart are pulling the strings in midfield and in the hole behind the striker respectively.
What's wrong with me? Depression?
I wouldn't rule out aspergers or autism. Here's a quiz I've personally taken. If you rate high you might want to talk to a counselor about it. a href="" rel="nofollow"
Cant move my left hand?
the last few days my hand and wrist felt a bit sore like ive sprained it.... now ive woke up and cant move it very well quite painful very sore wen wiggling my fingers and very hard to make a fist ive taken pain killers dosent touch it... whats wrong with it.....or what can i do its 3.30am thank you
What games can my PC run?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a click think link, punch in a game click run it to see the computer can handle it. If you can't run it on pc get it for your 360.
Help making a chart of political ideology?
Now a days it's not about ideology anymore. People will support whatever helps their party. Many people even vote against their own best interest.
Does my apartment office need to notify me before my lease is up?
Once the lease runs out you automatically go on a month to month basis until a new lease is signed. The landlord can increase your monthly rate once the lease period is over. If you have a one year lease the rent can be increased after the one year runs out. If you are on month to mo nth the rent can be increased monthly. There is no way you can force them to keep your rent the same as last year.
Why do we (Liverpool) plan 1 up front?
I think Torres needs to take a break from football. His performance was like sh!t. This man need to know that his place is replaceable. If he doesn't interest to play with us, get the fcuk out of Liverpool.
What's a good romance anime :)? ?
I am honestly really picky , sorry :/. I've seen : Flowers over boys(loved it) Peach Girl ( love) Vampire knight ( cute but weird) Speical A( dislike) Maramale Boy( I doubt I spelled that right, disliked)Paradise Kiss (alright) wall flower (dislike) maid kwasa( I'm not sure of the name :( but I liked it :) ) Fruit Basket ( liked ) lovely complex(disliked) Nana ( disliked ) hm that's all I can think that I have seen. Any good romance amines:)? ( prefer English Dubb)
How is the Real Madrid line-up going to look next year?
Honestly I think are gonna play a 3-3-3-1. Three fullback Ramos Carvalho Pepe. 3 attacking and defending midfielders Coentrao Alonso and Marcelo. 2 playmakers-wingers in Ozil and Di Maria and a free-role player CR7 and a forward either Pipa or Benzema
Horse Abuse Signs??? Please Help!!!?
I`ve owned him for 7 years and he has always been supple and kind whenever being handled. As of lately, my horse has been acting differently. He`s jumpy when I touch him, he tends to shiver slightly when I go catch him, & while doing horsemanship, he reared on me. Now for some people thats not a big deal but my horse has NEVER reared or even come CLOSE to it! I just wiggled the rope slightly and walked towards him to have him back up but instead he went straight up and started to panick and back up like crazy! He wouldn`t stop! It took 15 minutes to get him to calm back down. I never tried backing him up ever since. After that, I noticed that the chain of his lead rope on his halter was not how I left it. I always loop it through the ring and latch it back on itself, but I found it latched on the ring instead. Seeing that I looked at his nose and saw that were his little wart thing was, the hair was all missing. Since then I`ve been checking him daily for cuts and he`s been getting alot of wounds that I can`t explain, bruises and he has never hurt himself before. He`s turned out with a mare yes but she`s a quarter of his size and can`t reach his face or the top of his butt. He has a long slightly curved series of cuts on his face that he wouldn`t let me touch which isn`t like him. He loves to be touched and to hide in your pockets. Do you think I`m being paranoid or are these signs he`s being abused?? I know for a fact that the barn manager there hates me. She starts up alot of drama and abuses me verbally and since I work there, she takes advantage of me often. Please help me!! My boyfriend thinks I`m being paranoid and that its all in my head but I`m starting to seriously worry!!! I`m working hard to get him out of there but if these are signs of abuse, I`m gonna comfront her about it. Please help!!!
Are there any other players like Alonso and Xavi?
Who can dictate football matches and have quality long and short ranges. Don't give Adam as an example, don't want Harry to sign him
I need your opinion. should i finish writing this book?
This was so fun to read :) i smiled a lot :) you're writing is like a breath of fresh air :) you didn't repeat the same words to describe things over and over :) this is great! you should finish it:)
What could this medical condition be a symptom of?
I'm a 36 yo female. For the past several weeks the toes on my left foot feel stiff. I can't always wiggle them it's like they're stuck except the thumb is ok. If I pull with my hand to move them like if it's curled in a weird shape and I can't get it to straighten on its own, sometimes it'll hurt like I pulled a muscle and then I'll feel it gradually come to life over time while it still feels weird and dull then at a later time it'll freeze up again like the nerves aren't receiving the message to move. Any idea what it could mean? I'm normal weight and height, otherwise healthy and don't have diabetes or anything else I'm aware of.
Whats the worst fall you ever had?
i was riding my quarter horse, who is pretty tall. I was not very good at riding. third time riding and the tack was all wrong, the bit, saddle, headstall, reins, everything. he galloped to the house slipped on the road, got spooked, bucked 2-3 times, and i fell breaking my arm. Fun stuff.
Help I am suffering from Self-Consciousness!!!!!!!!!!!?
ok listen i bet you are gorgeous! couldnt get up the link but i bet you are beautiful :) no offense but dont be friends with jerks that just put you down. plus that boy doesnt mean it he is trying to be what he thinks is "cool" i think he you know...... has a little crush on you..... your skin..... is no problem.... everyone goes through it.... and if its cool with your parents ask them if you can wear a little makeup (blush and skin stuff) blush will help bring out your cheek bones, and you can curl your eyelashes and wear a lil mascara or eye liner and a lil lip gloss nvr hurt any1 ;) and if you hate your hair you should try straightening it :) Lastly the key to being beautiful is feeling beautiful carry yourself with pride and just be happy hope i helped :)
What do you think the odds are that President Bush will pardon any US soldiers in his 11th hour...?
No chance. He has not been President for two years now. I don't think you should smoke weed like the other answer suggests. I think you might have had too much already if you think Former President Bush can pardon anyone.
Should I sign a paper allowing my 2 brothers to be the executors of estate over me?
My father recently passed away and our family has moved forward with the ironing-out of the more complex details of his life. His death was very unexpected so the paperwork is not very clear. The only official will lists his wife who is also deceased at the moment. My question is at a recent family meeting, we have discussed what is going to happen in the future with establishing an estate and we have all agreed that the assets will be divided 4 ways between all 4 siblings, but that 2 of my brothers will be made the executors on behalf of all 4. In order for this to happen my family has told me I and my other brother will need to sign off allowing them to become executors. Should I do this? Or should I ask to also be named an executor? My only concern is that the executors will not be fair in dividing up the assets.
Where do I make complaints about my apartment complex?
I live in Ohio and my neighbor in my building burned his apt. to a crisp in a grease fire causing my apt. smoke damage and burned the wall around my door. the carpet near the door is also ruined. the apt. complex sais my insurance should pay for this but my insurance is only taking care of my personal items in the apt. not the apt itself. where can i make a complaint in the state of Ohio?
What do you think about my opening paragraph?
I love this piece of writing! It has beyond perfect sentence fluency, flawless editing, and amazing word choice. You are a beautiful writer and you should post your finished story up somewhere for others to enjoy! There is definitely a future as a writing for you! Congrats! Wish I could read the finished product!
Cual es la cancion que le ponen a alonso en triunfo del amor?
I know that one of them was abrasame. When he started to fall for maria. But I want to know the one that there playing now when they show that he has a month to live and he siting in the park and memorys of him and maria desamparada showing. I tryd to shazaam it but idk if its the tv or my network cuz it didn't work and I really lik the song
Got a loose canine tooth..don't know if it's an adult tooth or not...?
Hi, yesterday at a little get-together, my brother and i were wrestling when he punched me in the face with soft sparring gloves (he is 8 and im 15). Since then, it has wiggled more than usual. Then today, my cousin hits me in the face (he is 13 so it was a bit harder). It bled and now it wiggles quite a bit more. I noticed the gums around the canine are bigger and irritated also. My main worry is the tooth being an adult tooth and then falling out..we all know what happens then. How can i tell if it's permanant or not?? And even then..what do i do to get it back to normal?? PS..there is mild pain even when it isnt being touched. Thank you so much for your help and i will gladly take advice..and tonight we are having pizza :(
Do you think this is fair?
This morning my mom took my makeup away from me because I didn't clean it up after she asked me too so that made me mad so I put my barefeet on the kitchen table my mom just cleaned to make her mad and then I yelled hey mom how clean does the table look now and I was wiggling my toes trying to be funny so she walked over grabbed me up and walked me into my bedroom and said get comfortable because you are going to be here a while because your grounded for a week. I don't think that's fair I think that is too harsh it's just barefeet so what she should have just thought it was funny. Who would have known putting barefeet on the table would get ya grounded. Do you think it's fair?
Key stuck in the ignition of a 2005 Dodge stratus?
My key will not come out of the egnition I've tried to wiggle it and the gear shift at the same time, nothing is working can some one help!
Is B. Co different from CoQ10?
Am thinking B. Co means vitamin B complex and is different from CoQ10, help me out if you are a Pharmaceutical personnel.
How do I phrase a search?
Okay this may come off like I am a nut job, but I am trying to find out if there was a murder in or around the park behind my apartment complex anytime in the last 50 years, but any search terms I use come back with homes for sale in the area. The area I am looking for is north shooks run park in colorado springs 80903 or around north el paso an dale streets. Here is the part where i sound like a nut job when ever I walk across the bridge there i get a feeling like something happened there. can someone please help me with my search
Manchester United (2009) vs Real Madrid (2011)?
manchester united 2009.this is because of the strategy.ferguson let cristiano ronaldo as the key,many chance of goal.but real madrid 2011 play an individual strategy.everybody want to show off.they not playing smart.
Why did medieval Christian theologians deny that people lived in the Southern Hemisphere?
You should appreciate the bible and all the mythology it contains is very firmly based in primitive astrology as observed from the northern hemisphere. When you observe the heavens from the southern hemisphere, astrological devices generate unfamiliar stories and the church was heavily committed to the ones they already had.
Would you get a chair massage poolside?
If licensed massage therapists were poolside at your apartment complex pool (obviously if you live at a complex with a pool if you don't then just imagine) and you were laying out would you walk over and get a 15 min Chair massage for $15. These are massage therapist who have already received permission to be on the property. Yes/no? And why please? Thanks!
Will 195-70-14 tires fit on my car?
I have the chance to buy a set of used tires for pretty cheap. The trouble is that the tires being offered are 195/70 14. Online, it says my 2008 Kia Rio LX needs 185/65R14 tires. Is this set in stone, or is there wiggle room here?
Liverpool players that shouldn't been sold?
For me these 3 players shouldn't been sold. Riise,Xabi Alonso & Mascherano.We almost won the title with Xabi and Javier.Damn it Rafa
My apt. mgr just had a baby. Is is ok to get $from neighbors for a giftcard 4 her?
I did this b4 when I had a different apt. mgr, but just wondering.. I'm asking them to sign a card, and donate$1-5 toward a giftcard. Most neighbors have at least seen me (they have to drive by my apt to get to their house, and I'm always outside.) I think it sok. the neighbors might think if they give $ it will put them on the "good" list. whhat is YOUR opinion?? btw..I live in a low income housing complex..thanx :)
Can we all agree that Jose Mourinho had no intention to play football yesterday?
Don't worry, mourinho only manages rich clubs like chelsea,inter, real madrid and maybe even city.he will not manage clubs that have 1 billion debt and their owners stealing 50m a season from the club to repay their debt.
This gorgeoussss guy is suddenly in my apartment complex! What to do?
this really cute guy ive been noticing around my apartment complex just lately has been coming up to me everytime I am out walking my dog, going on and on about how cute my dog is and asking so many questions asbout my dog. I saw him today, and he even remembered my dogs name from when he asked me the other day lol. Well today he told me he was in town for 2 weeks visiting his dad. bummer... he lives 3 hours away from me. well, we told eachother wed see eachother around. Well, he is always outside. What are some things I coud do/say to capture his interest? I just think hes gorgeous... but darn not much time. lol
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I passed my driving test, but still scared to drive?
Hi, well done - no minors is excellent! I'm an ex instructor and highly recommend a web page named smartdriving, this will have stuff to help you including your nerves.
Mourinho is saying that it's impossible to make a winning team in just one season....?
... by his words he is just building his team and to win everything right away is just impossible...... but didn't Pep Guardiola win EVERYTHING in his first season??? Oh I forgot he had the best players already when he came...hmmmmm.... correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Mouriho had C.Ronalda, Casillas, Higuain, Benzema, Xabi Alonso, Carvalho, S.Ramos, Ozil, Di Maria, Kaka, Lass, Khedira etc etc when he came???? I mean is not like he got Malaga's squad, he got the squad of the best players money can buy........ he got the squad of players that won 96 points in last season!!!! Don't you think that maybe just MAYBE the ''Special One'' is just a little bit overrated???
Who said that Messi needs Xavi or Iniesta?
people who say Messi is a flop for the national team obviously do not watch the games or they only value a player when they score... over 50% of Argentina's goals in the WC were due to his actions. He certainly does not have to rely on Xavi or Iniesta, but they would be a great asset to any striker.
I need help with my puppy!?
My 11 week old labrador is biting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad! He has broken the skin with his bite about maybe 5 or 6 times between yesterday and today. He has moments where he just can't stop and I feel like nothing will work. I have tried pinning him down and holding his muzzle but he just wiggles like crazy for endless time. I try walking away but as I'm getting over the baby get he tries to get my legs or if I'm walking away he keeps chasing me almost. I cannot control my temper and yell very angrily very often. Can anyone please help us to get him to stop biting me and for me to control my temper better?
Real madrid fans , xabier alonso olana , a hero or a flop?
he may not have been as effective as he was at Liverpool, but he's far from being a flop... Pepe just fouls everyone and could learn a little sportsmanship from Alonso
My left ear has been deaf for four days and now it is painful and throbbing?
One, NEVER stick anything (including your fingers) in your ear. You probably made it A LOT worse. If you ruptured your eardrum, there would be blood and it would be VERY painful. I think you might need a doctor. It could be very serious. He would give you (might) ear drops to cope with the pain. If you have too much earwax, he might flush your ears out (it doesn't hurt, it sounds weird and might help you with the hearing part).
Why do some Christians believe in evolution and the big bang?
Apparently, not all Christians are bible literalists and are not stupid as you would like to picture them to be.
Is Chelsea now better than Real Madrid?
No not at the moment as Real looked so impressive in the group stage against very good teams whereas Chelsea struggled.
What is that dance move called ?
What is that dance move called where you wiggle your arms and act as if theres an electrical pulse in your body, and you wiggle your body too... ?! thanks :)
Help with my puppies?
bull dogs are very lazy and i know you just got him give her a little time to settle in she'll be running around in no time .. about the other dog theres no problem with him hes just still a little young and still probably has control of his bladder but if it annoys you go threw the house breaking process if you dont know what that is it is easy to gind on google . :) good luck
Pregnant Guppy URGENT !?
Well my guppy is pregnant and lately she has been wiggling in place, like she is trying to get something off of her. She is breathing rapidly. Is she stressed or aborting? Or is she just near birth? Please I need to know ASAP.
How many religions should I believe in order to most effectively solve Pascal's Wager and save my soul?
All of them including atheism (not a religion). So technically you would have to be an Agnostic Omnist
My iPod Touch home button is stuck down?
My iPod Touch 1G's home button is stuck down. It does wiggle around and does function when you press extremely hard. Is there anyway to pop it back up?
How to choose between fraternities?
I recently received bids from two fraternities (not saying which ones to avoid biased people) A and B. What should I look for the most when choosing between the two? I am going to be a Sophomore Business/Comp science major this year and both A and B are full so I don't need to live in either house. Fraternity A just started back up so it is mostly Sophomores at the moment. B started back up a few years earlier but has Seniors and Juniors. On the social and athletic tiers they are about the same with B having better GPA. The cost to join both is the same, but A has an official house while B has an unofficial house that is an apartment complex but both are by each other. I went to parties at both and got along great with both houses of guys. Both have decent alumni, have 50 or so actives, and cost about the same to belong to. Are there any other factors I should consider? Neither are on probation so it basically comes down to A having an official house, being younger overall, and newer versus B being more mature, more well known to sororities, and a better GPA.
Is my ear piercing ok?
It's probably infected. Put alcohol on the earring and your earlobe everyday & try twisting it. Thats what your supposed to do when you first get it pierced. You also may be allergic to that certain type of earring. I have to wear 14k gold because of my ears. Just try not to wear fake things, like the cheap ones at Claires.
Could I have Borderline Personality disorder?
I don't think you have BPD, however it could be something like Bipolar. You should DEFINITELY talk to your therapist. She mutilation even if it is for attention can be very harmful and the wrong move could kill you. Talk to your therapist and listen to what he or she says. Good luck
Who will win the 2011 F1 championship?
who will win the Formula One championship this year? you decide. Will it be Hamilton, Webber, Vettel, Alonso, Button, Massa or Schumacher (you don't have to choose just the ones what i've put down.) If you can do a prediction of the top 10 drivers standings for the season and the number of points what they scored would be great.
Is the existance of God logical?
The universe was not complex at all at the beginning. It gradually rose to complexity as entropy increased.
Is my ear piercing ok?
You need to let your piercings heal and stop irritatin them! Just use antibacterial soap and oitnment on them until you see a change but stop taking them off and putting them back on, wait till they heal to change them because your only causing irritation!!
Will Michael Schumacher win a race in 2011?
Well all of us know who he is and what he can do . This year Schumy have a better car and as we watch in China he still can drive , starting from 14th he climb to 9th just in the first cornres of the race and then he hold Alonso behind him for 6 laps . We all felt that he is back and with such interesting races everything is possible. I am sure that both Mercedes GP drivers will be on Podium this year .One thing is for sure , Michael still can make it but will he win a race this year ???
Joe "NO GOAL" Cole: Why do Liverpool RUIN careeers.......?
Its hard for players to leave liverpool, the fans almost bully them in2 stay, look what happened when Gerrard was looking to move. Its not fair on the players because in fairness to the team, apart from a lucky champions league win they won f**k all in years
What reasons might a dog be born with 3 legs?
My dog was born w/ three legs, and a little stump of a bone that she sometimes wiggles (it's like 1/2 an inch long). Why would this happen? What type of defects cause this/ Thx
TO SOLVE THE NATIONAL DEBT PROBLEM why doesn't the US Government claim it's water resourses like the land?
it claimed in the Louisiana Purchase , and sold it to it's citizens ? And sell it to it's users , for a penny per 10 gallons ? Or we could just tax every organization or person who has possessions worth $50,000 each year an additional $1000 on top of what little tax they are able to wiggle out of paying now ?
When do you remove the eggs of the angelfish?
My angelfish laid around 100 eggs again, but I don't know when I should remove them? Do I move them now? 2 days while the little one are wiggling or do I remove them asap after being laid? Please help
Monday, July 18, 2011
Can I call the police on this one kid?
Ok well today after school this kid told me he was going to get me 200$ of weed for 100$ so I went..and we went to a apt. complex..and told me to wait outside and give him the money so he can go in and get it so he went and he came out saying he got robbed by some black guy..(Witch I know he didn't) Can I call the cops on him do I need proof or what do I need to do?
Recently, the tooth behind my canine tooth has been wiggling, I'm 13. Is this normal?
I realized recently, that the tooth right behind my canine tooth was wiggling and I had an urge to mess with it. I'm wondering if it is a baby or adult tooth. I really must know. It's bothering me greatly.
How do you think team Ferrari will do this year?
Their new car looks sick and the drivers are the same, do you think that Alonso and Massa can get the job done?
Why good teams f1 drivers goes afterwards?
Sometimes because all the slow cars come out first like lotus, virgin and HRT. Also the top teams go out pretty early its just that when they do they treat the first part of qualifying like a test session to make the right adjustments on the car to improve the lap times. Most top teams dont have a fast car till the end its how its been for years.
Complex ques which makes me feel complex?
looks pretty easy but im so confused! if there are no imaginary roots so lets say z= 32, what is the angle? is it 2n pi?
Why do people put so much emphasis on IQ and intellect?
It annoys me so much there are so many different types of intelligence e.g. Creative, Emotional, and social. but people seem to think that a high IQ is the end all. I have a average IQ, yet i have grade 8 Piano, Grade 6 theory working for 8, and am good at composing, therefore I have a high creative intelligence, but no one seems to appreciate these skills in the same way as a high IQ, I mean is it really that great if you can solve a complex math formula, i cant but what I can do is write a chromatic fugue, write a concerto etc. My view is that music touches the the soul in a way that intellect can't and for that reason i wouldn't change myself in the slightest. A famous scientist when asked what would he show an alien race, he answered the complete works of Bach, Einstein himself said that creativity is more important than knowledge. Let me go bach to bach they predicted his IQ is 165 if think that is wrong, I think that his IQ was about 100 to 110, but his creative intelligence was very high, there is also some evidence that he may of been slightly autistic. But what I am trying to get at is why is there a Superiority around have a high IQ everybody is different and have different strengths and weaknesses, what do you guys think?
Safe vitamin dosage..?
do you know the reason that you bought this ? Theses 3 vitamins in this dosage is generally sold to people who want to lower some risk factors for heart disease. I think it is supposed to lower blood homocysteine which is one risk factor. The evidence is not quite there. You may need to do some reading about dietary supplements. And you paid way way too much!
Why wasn't Mark Webber apart of the Celebrations after the race on the Red Bull Float Home?
He wasn't there and I've noticed that he isn't there unless he is on the podium. Any reason for this? Because with other drivers, e.g. Alonso wins, Massa is apart of the celebrations even if he wasn't on the podium.
Should Mourinho go with this line up when they go Barcelona?
As a Man utd fan. I hope to see Ronaldo in the final. I still have hopes real win. I also want to see what would Ronaldo do if he scores a goal or if he loses. We made him who he is and I will be disappointed if he disrespects the club that treated him so well. I really saw him grow up in utd. Hope to see our boy Ronaldo in the final. I hope to see real in the final. Manchester United forever. I still love real. I was once a fan. Here is to hope for a mericle in Camp Nou
African grey wing amputation?
ok my african grey had to have his wing amputated 2 days ago. My vet's instructions are to bring him back monday for a bandage change, antibiotics BID, and a med for pain and inflammation. He said if Ringo starts to get painful he'll pick the stitches out and chew on himself where the little nub is. Welllll this morning he was in his birdy burrito to get the antibiotic and he wiggled out of his bandage. So I let my vet know and I'm waiting for a response. My question is, has anyone had to deal with this before? If so I'd love some advice. Ringo is really upset with me since I've been giving the meds and I'm trying to make sure he survives! I got him new toys to play with and I've been trying to give him extra attention and I leave my computer running with music and animations while I'm gone. He doesn't want to play or take treats
Is leaving the Eurozone the solution for Greece?
The EU should be dissolved and re-established solely as a trading block, no more right to travel freely within it's borders. It might hit the tourism hard but Europe is suffering anyway with no foreseeable improvement. Time to cut the losses and make a run for it before Turkey and Albania get in, if they get in Greece will be ruined beyond belief. The best solution is for all concerned is to leave the Eurozone and dissolve the EU.
How do religious people feel about the discovery of birds who comprehend grammar?
There have been similar discoveries in dolphins and chimps. As human beings are no longer the only animals capable of complex speech, how does that affect your world view?
Critique my opening, please?
OMG. My eyes literally started watering. This sounds so sad, but definitely something i would read. So Grayson is gay? That's interesting, and a good twist, even if its the beginning. I really want to read more. Its like it pulled me right into the scene. And just as another commenter said, maybe you should make it a little more obvious that the main character is a boy.
Neil Peart vs. John Bonham?
Alright, I am tired of hearing people say that John Bonham is a better drummer than Neil Peart. Fact is, Bonzo can do triplets and that's the only special thing about him. Peart can do fills so fast, keep beats with multiple drums and cymbals in different time signatures, and basically do EVERYTHING. For all of the Zeppelin fans out there, saying Bonham is better than Peart is like saying Bon Jovi's guitarist is better than Jimmy Page. There is no competition: Peart wins. Listen to ANY of Rush's songs 1975 and onward (when Neil joined) and tell me that he doesn't play some complex stuff, while Bonzo on the other hand likes to keep simple beats in most of his songs.
My adult tooth is wobbly and i'm 13?
Okay so it's like almost 3:00 in the morning here and my front bottom tooth just started randomly hurting. Then I tried to wiggle it and it wiggled a little. I got so freaking scared. Can anybody help me? (I know it's not a baby tooth).
Is Mourinho making a mistake by not starting a 9 again?
Definitely should start Benzema and bench Arbeloa, putting Marcelo at left back and Cristiano at left attacking mid, but it's only Atletico, according to the fans here, its a walk in the park for them lol
What's wrong with my teeth!?
I'm 15 years old I am a girl, I brush every morning and night I don't floss daily though because it make my teeth feel loose but thats not my front teeth hurts and it is loose slightly my gums are kinda white before i brush them in the morning and before at night. My bite is not proper anymore and it doesn't fit right and when i bite down lightly my bottom teeth feel tight. Before I had a check up 6 months ago they said my teeth were perfect just had to brush the front teeth more no cavities. But they also found something in the x ray or something this black spot they couldn't detect what is was all they said is they will do surgery in 5 years or whenever it starts to hurt. I have a feeling they had no clue what it was. now I feel like my teeth are dead what can I do please help I made a appointment it is this Thursday four days away and I'm freaking out i even have a exam tommorow i can't even study now please help has anyone gone through this before? I'm not wiggling it and I'm drinking milk but I guess it won't help in my case they aren't full out loose. I also hear a clicking sound with the loose tooth will I end up loosing my teeth help is it a disease infection! I'm in Canada so I don't need to worry about the check up costs cause it is free so I will do anything help!
What type of fish was this?
I saw this fish in the ocean where I was swimming in South Carolina. It looked like a piece of seaweed or long blade of grass. It was about 6 or 8 inches long, yellow green in color and didn't appear to have noticible fins but swam by wiggling side to side. It had a pointed face and two somewhat large eyes. I would really like to know what type of fish this is, I'm very curious. I know it wasn't just a piece of seaweed or grass because it was clearly alive and moving itself. Thanks.
History of Venezuela?
tell me something about this: 1498-99 - Christopher Columbus and Alonso de Ojeda visit Venezuela, which is inhabited by Carib, Arawak and Chibcha peoples.
Why is my swingarm on my dirtbike wiggling so much?
My (what looks to be) rear wheel or swing arm on my crf 450r is wiggling quite a bit. What should I do to fix it?
How cani get rid of cats that just started to hang around my apartment building?
For awhile now we have had cats that hung around our trash dumpster in the apt complex. But they walk anywhere now. Some of the people downstairs decided to give the 2 cats water and i guess some food and now they won't leave.They are hanging around people's doors and meowing whenever they see me. And my mom doesn't like them. How can i get rid of them? I was thinking of calling animal control but would my apt complex office like that? does it cost?
Ummmm im not sure how to say this but i have little nubs coming out of my foot. They are all different sizes. One is the largest and goes down by size to the smallest nub. The little nubs have hard covers on them. I guess like a nail on a humans hands. I Can wiggle them at free whim. SOS...
Is $700 a normal price for already over worn carpet?
No - you're correct - they're using YOUR money to replace THEIR old and nasty carpets. The MOST they can charge you for is to clean them, and that would come out of the security deposit, not the last month's rent. Inform him/her (by certified mail) that you will take them to small claims court if they don't refund your money.
I don't have much time during the week to work out so how many hours should I work out on the weekend?
If you only have two days to work out, I would suggest a 'push' and 'pull' day, you do all the pushing exercises (Chest-presses, shoulder-presses, squats) on one day and just don't do too many exercises for each group. And on pull day (Biceps, back, hamstrings) do the same thing. It's not an ideal routine, but it works best since you don't have much time to dedicate to weights.
From one shooter to another- How can i be more accurate with my handgun?
I have been having extreme accuracy problems with My almost brand new Glock model 20 10mm auto semi auto handgun. I have been shooting handguns for a good amount of years. Have lots of experience shooting 1911's. In fact my and my father went to the local range, me with my glock 20 and 100rds of CC1 blazer and my dad with his Kimber 1911 .45acp and 150rds of Magtech fmj. This was the first and only time i shot my Tupperware pistol but from a standard distance of 10yds my accuracy was a joke. i was hitting paper, but all over the place. to put it in idea i had probly a 2ft group. switching to the 1911 i had probly a 5 inch group at 20yds. I am 5'6, 125lbs, im a small guy that wears a medium sized glove, but even so i believe the extremely fat grip of the 15rd mag G20 negatively effects my shooting. i shoot thumbs forward, with both eyes open and shoot SO MUCH better with a single stack .45, obviously if i bought a glock i couldnt afford to get a 10mm 1911 but i just had to have the ballistic performance of the 10mm. Recoil wasnt an issue, but sheer size of the grip is. holding it when not shooting it isnt uncomfortable, feel good, but when it comes down to releasing some lead the grip wiggles around in my hand because it is not fully supported (I am guessing). I have been Kicking myself for buying it. i absolutely love the gun. it is 1 of 2 of my handguns the other being a 1954 Czech CZ52 7.62x25 which has no recoil, but isnt a serious weapon when it comes to performance and reliability. if i could swap the G20 for a 1911 .45 i would, but cant. so my fellow handgun heads what do you recommend i do to get use out of this bad boy?
Some sort of emancipation...?
Hello. I am going to turn 18 in less than a year and I was wondering if there was some way I could take my little 9 year old sister when I leave my house from my dad. I will be moving out with my baby's dad and my baby. I really don't know if I need to go to a lawyer or if it something I could do on my own going to court. The reason I want to take her is because I don't think she'll be safe with my dad. He uses verbal abuse on us both, and he kicked me out various times when I was 12,and he once bit her on the breast area. She told her school and they called DCFS and everything was okay while the social workers were coming over but he has returned to his old ways of drinking and I also believe drugs. I am seriously scared for her. She also recently told me he stuck his finger down her throat and like wiggled it. I think that's kind of perverted and Im just scared and creeped out what he'll do once I leave. So, what are the steps i would need to take to be able to take her with me?
Yet another great player praises Paul Scholes?
He has been one of the best midfielders to grace the premiership ever. He is definatley the most professional alongside giggs and deserves all his trophies. Hope he has many years to come with manutd
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Possible ticks in my apartment?
The apartment complex is not required to handle 'ticks'. Understand that ticks live in the wild, and do NOT infest living units. If you DO have ticks, YOU brought them into the premises. The apartment complex is not responsible to remediate insects which arrived on YOU. They are only required to remove nasty insects which may have invaded the premises on their own.
My 1984 Mercedes 2.2190d blower not working?
and also the rpm gauge. for a while when i wiggled the key as i was driving the blower and rpm's would start working. now i am getting nothing.I have checked all the fuses and they are all fine. I know i have a intermittent problem but can someone direct me to what the problem might be, Thank's
I need help coming up with a nickname for a character in my story.?
Well the character is a girl, her actual name is Ally. She is hyper, always humming or singing, skips a lot, not school like skipping instead of walking, and dresses goth but isn't to an extent, blond hair with purple highlights. Now she isn't the main character, but her best friend. The nickname is from a boy, but they aren't together just friends in sum kinda way.. See, she's so complex i cant think of one.. any ideas??
I'm looking for really original Novels?
If you want a something really dark but impossible to put down, loaded with hidden symbolism and fictionalized things that really happen... Then Definitely SPA by B.F. Camis - It will knock you out. You'll read it again as soon as you are finished, guaranteed.
How have people's attitudes toward Liverpool changed this season?
I would like to point out that the only time I criticise LFC is out of retaliation for a small minority of their idiotic fans on this site who are about to give me a load of TD's.
Will the friction between Real and Barca affect the national team?
Xabi Alonso said that the damages between the teams were broken for good, Ramos and Puyol almost fought during one of the classicos. Will they be able to put that aside when they put on the Spain uniform?
What should I dooooooooooooooo?
Wait...what? Is this some sort of a game? Maybe you should follow what you want. I think THAT'S the whole purpose, not for the hero and heroine to fall in love. It's your game, do whatever you want.
What do you think of my dream?
You have no freedom in your home.You feel that you are caged.The old man is your grand father or dad and others in cage are your family members.You are trying for freedom.You feel that key to happiness is killing old man.The oppression in family may soon stop.But you are cruel to children and younger ones in family.They will not be happy with you.
I Think My Rib Cage is Deformed?
If you have pains in your ribs- and you mom says you are being dumb- pains are indications that something could be wrong. Yes, go see the doctor.
What is the greatest trio/duo/ or any pair of athletes in sports history (include soccer if you will).?
the french connection from sabres, andre reed, thurman thomas and jim kelly. And romario and stoichkov from barcelona back in the day.
Why do republicans have issues reforming the tax code by eliminating deductions/special interest favors?
It's all about having the cake at eating it to. If that means putting grandma out of the nursing home so that the rich can continue to enjoy their unsustainably low taxes, then that is what it means.
Part of molar tooth broke off?
I was eating some chips today and one of them I guess were "hard" and it broke about 1/3 of one of my molar tooth. Should I take the other 2/3 off? It's kind of loose and I think if I wiggled it for a day or two it will come off. Right now, it doesn't hurt at all.
Was this wrong of me to do this?
i love my dog i wasen't trying to bother him in anyway. but i had my mp3 player listening to a metal song ( so it was loud) and while my dog was asleep i put the right earphone in his ear causing him to first wiggle his ear around ( like he was iritated) and then raised his head up looking at me like ( what was that sound?) i guess he isn't use to music.was this wrong of me?
What do i do if my toe is bused?
well i was ruining fast to my room and smashed my little toe on a chair and fell in pain what do i do because i can walk and bend it and wiggle it but it still sorta hurts please help me out .
Should I move in or keep looking?
Im about to move into this beautiful apartment, I was shown the unit and was told that my unit will be in the back of a huge 19 building complex(Im in building 18) but then I read the reviews for the apartment complex and they were terrible, see for yourself Drug dealers, loud teenagers,poor maintenance, etc not to far away, theres a really bad neighborhood and it is said that the punks from that neighborhood comes into the complex to rob from homes and cars. I live on the second floor and my apartment is all the way in the back, so im wondering if I should risk it. I wont lie or sugarcoat if I could I would find another place but Im a full time college student with a part time job. I dont qualify for affordable living, which are beautiful affluent homes with low prices because, and I quote "Im a full time student, not on welfare and not a single father of at least two kids". So what Im asking is should I just take the risk living there, because its terrible, but trust me when I say, this week alone I've seen much worse.
ATTENTION: Torres has just left Anfield....!?!?
I'm sure he will stay if he has to and not remorsefully. but would be happier at a club like Valencia where he could have more time with his family. The EPL is a tough gig
My mom never makes my sister do anything..?
There's this family reunion coming up and I really don't want to go because I just had a concussion and I want to rest, but my mom doesn't care and is forcing me to go anyways. I don't think this is fair! She never makes my sister go and honestly I think she likes my sister better. My sister has gotten into a ton of trouble (including with the law) and I'm basically the perfect child, yet she always treats my sister better. I can't understand why, but once again my sister has found a way to wiggle herself out of going and she's going to a party instead. I'm stuck going with a concussion! How can I convince my mom that this isn't fair? She is ALWAYS making excuses for my older sister.
What music did your parents play for you as a child? Has it affected your musical taste now?
My parents are big hippies, and my mom and dad would always play Grateful Dead (they both followed them around) and stuff like the Beatles (I learned the lyrics to countless songs by them before I even knew I did). I was born to Fire on the Mountain. As in, my dad was playing it on a stereo while my mom was in labor. What music do you remember from your childhood? And not like kid stuff, unless your parents really listened to the Wiggles or Barney. Which I highly doubt :)
Has anyone out there experience true-to-life supernatural phenonmenon?
In 2007, I saw a man lounging on top of building ten of my apt complex. For years I have seen this very same man in almost the same attire in dreams and in real life. He entered my apt which has but 2 entryways (balcony and front door) and I live on the 2nd floor. I actually got a chance to touch him and verify that he's real! I don't write this to jerk anyone's chain but please don't respond if you'd like to leave a joke! When I f things in 3's it always comes true! He tells me that he's coming for me-that I'm the one for him and I'm the one he's looking for. He's not out to cause me or others harm. I don't know what he is but he's real! My daughter who's 8 has seen him 3 times and my cousin has seen him countless times-my friend Sara has seen him more times than I can count-I just wanted to know if anyone else has a similar case going for them. REAL EXPERIENCES ONLY!!!
Van der varrt was so sh!t in la liga, why is he doing so well in the prem?
i know peannant was **** also he could't handle the tactics and passing. then you got players like david silver, fabregas, torres, arteta and xabi alonso all huge stars in la liga. i dont think prem players can handle the tactics and passing of la liga
Is being a groundskeeper for an apartment complex hard?
Do you think that job is difficult or what? Im gonna be workin 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday through friday. I'm 17 years old, and I live in louisiana so its pretty hot here. Do you think this is a hard job? 0.o Im gettin $10/hr. btw.
If vettel go to ferrari,what happen to alonso and massa?
Well Alonso is contracted til 2016 whereas Massa is contracted til 2012...Vettel signed a Red Bull contract til 2013. he could extends it because Red Bull recently said Vettel is not leaving Red Bull for a long time
I need help now!!!!!?
I went to the doctor to get my tsh level checked. My TSH is at a 2.2, and she told me that it is very normal. I use to have a 3.8. I once had problems with losing weight, but all of a sudden at the age of 22, with lots of exercise and with taking my multi and b complex vitamins religiously, I was able to lose 50 pounds in four months 180-130 at 5'6. But in the last month i have lost too much weight and in two weeks alone, I lost 15 pounds, and now, I am at 115. I have also been having other symptoms that are common with hyperthyroidism; going to the bathroom alot, heart palpitations, increased sweating, increased hunger and thirst with weight loss. So, my question is, is it possible to have hyperthyroidism with a tsh of 2.2, or are there other things that are similar. I was told that my calcium levels are above average and that hypercalcemia may have symptoms like hyperthyroidism, since higher levels of calcium can lead to a higher metabolism. Can this be true. Please, I need an answer, i don't know who to turn to
"If war is used as an instrument of policy, eventually we will have total war". Do you agree with LB Pearson?
Legendary Canadian prime minister Lester B Pearson once said, "The stark and inescapable fact is that today we cannot defend our society by war since total war is total destruction, and if war is used as an instrument of policy, eventually we will have total war". Since it has already been conclusively proven that you cannot kill an ideology with weapons & armies, is it not time for the USA to try a different tactic, and also face the fact that unless the Military Industrial Complex is confronted & dismantled, then the USA is heading down a one-way path to oblivion.
The myth about la liga players not being able to handle the premier league is a lie?
its just a different style of football, and some players cant adapt. The Spanish league is very technical and attacking, the English league is very physical. And you cant really use fabregas as an example as he joined Arsenal when he was 16
What is a good affordable gaming computer?
So, im trying to get into gaming on the pc, and i would like to get a gaming pc that i can play games such as MMO like WoW. and fps like mw2. but im not sure what my rig should include, and i have only a little bit of room to wiggle with the budget, up to 3000, and i was wonder if theres any advice on cpu. video cards, etc., oh and if theres any websites like alienware, and where you can customize it to your own personal taste.
My steering wheel is really hard to turn left...?
Go see your mechanic, something is obviously very wrong. If you need to turn left to get there, remember 3 rights = a left.
Has the recent Cheat Gate scandals or the Aussies poor Ashes showing caused......?
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How can I explain to my girlfriend the importance of being sexual?
Me and my girlfriend of 2 years have been sexual active for a year and a half now. We both believe in sex after marriage so we just do everything else but have sex. But my question is how can I explain to her the importance of sexuality in a relationship? Every time I try and tell her about it she thinks it's a bunch of lies and I'm just trying to get some. But its not true it's so much more than that it's that deeper bond and the feeling of how I'm the only person she's ever done this with and me with her. It's so deep and complex and if we go long periods of time without it I start to feel like depressed and than my mood starts to change in a bad way. Being sexual means a lot to me it does to her too but she also doesn't need it like I do so she doesn't know how I'm feeling anything you guys can come up with would be great just in a non "I just want some ***" kinda way...because that's not true
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Tempest, a character relationship chart?
Can someone draw or paint a mental picture of how the characters (Antonio, Ariel, Stephano, Propero, Caliban, Trinculo, Miranda, Ferdinand, Sebastian, Alonso, Claribel, and Gonzalo) are related. like it's being to explain to someone who knows nothing about it.
How would Spain be if Cristiano and Messi were Spanish?
And how would they line up? Casillas-Ramos Pique Puyol Capdevila- Alonso Xavi Iniesta- Messi Villa CR7
Would you feel safe driving over a San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, knowing it was made in China?
I would have expected more from the most liberal city in the US. They sold SF a bill of goods, i would drive around it in protest.
July 4th is approaching. I live in an apartment in New Mexico where fireworks are legal. Should I be worried?
I'm working this night so I have to leave my dog at home. I'm worried that these crazy New Mexicans will start a fire at the apartment complex playing around with these fireworks. There are already other fires here... Can you tell I just moved here? Anyways, should I be worried?
Should i befriend these ppl?
Well i used to hang out with some ppl like all the time until they all started to change and act stupid. so now i dont leave me house to hang with them in the other complex (its a very complex neighborhood) which i wanna hang outside but i dont wanna be with them. so on the other side of the complex there are some other ppl. im friends with two of them but i really dont know the other one so thats why im writting this.... i wanna try to see how she acts so i can try to approach her and be her friend but idk where to start. am i doing the right thing or should i try? if i should... then how?
My Chihuahua has loose teeth.?
good idea switching to wet food! i would get him to a vet asap!!! poor lil guy. about your question on if his teeth can be saved or not, its impossible for me to tell since i can't see his teeth. only your vet could give you a straight answer. good luck!
Why does my head hurt when I wiggle my tooth?
The tooth is either hitting a nerve or it has infected. Go to your dentist and get an x-ray of the one tooth to see if it's infected. If it is then the dentist would have to give you a prescription for the infection and then in a couple of days when the pain is gone he can pull it for you.
About Manchester United, Red Cards and Penalties - please clarify this to me?
It is evident this page is full of Man United haters other than Leeds, Man United are the most hated club so people don't mention it when a club like United get a decision against them only when they get a decision for them.
What games can my PC handle?
It's a damn good computer, if u want to know about a particular game and if it will run look up can you run it on google and its by system requirements lab, its an online tool that uses java, you type in the name of the game and it assesses your computer to see if the game will run Well/OK/Not Run At All/ Or Excellent. LOL who voted it down? I hate how they let retards use this site
Poll: do you know who The Wiggles are?
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The EPL is a physical league - one of the secrets to Uniteds succes in the EPL is ?
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Now that you have had C.Ronaldo,macelo,higuain,ozil,Alonso etc will be in the party at the santiago bernabeu. how do you all fill?
Football fans, Serious question?
I'm also a lfc fan so i've experienced both, and being a mid table does actually effect your stress levels because you're so unpredictable what you're scores will be. But i'll pick option 2 because it's annoying when you have foreign tourists at your ground.
Which player is better?
Personally I think Javier Hernandez is the best right now because he is only 22 years old and already accomplished a lot since his arrival from Mexico.
How can i get my horse to respect me and my space?
What things or methods can I use or do to get my horse to respect me and how can i get him to back out of my space? I've tried wiggling the lead rope under him and waving a stick under to get him to move back away from me but that doesn't really work. He may take a step back and when he does i stop and praise him and then do it again but when i do it again he tends to step forward. Am i doing it wrong or is this not the right method? Anyways, any help or advice is appreciated ^^
The names of players on FIFA 11 are...not right?
I don't know what caused it or how to fix it but all the names are messed up. When I play Ultimate Team the names are right. But mainly when I play Head-to-Head or online using real clubs. For example: Ronaldo is Crofts, Gonzalo Higuian is Ho Young, Messi is Michina, Xabi Alonso is Yapi Yapo. I don't understand why it does this. Just all of a sudden it did this. (It happened a long time ago but I never got around to posting an question for it.)
Are brake pads supposed to be able to move in the caliper?
My brakes are intermittently squealing after being replaced 8 months ago. The squeal just comes and goes as it pleases (front brakes), and one day I had the tire off and inspected them. I was able to wiggle an inner brake pad front to back by a little bit, and was wondering if this is normal and if it could be causing the sound. If it is not normal, would appling anti squeal compound to the back of the pad help? Thanks
When I tried to start my car last night it just made a clicking sound?
I then opened the hood and wiggled the negative terminal, got back in the car and it started just fine. What happened? The battery was fully charged.
Flipper tooth, need help! :(?
Okay so my front left tooth was pulled (long story) when I was in 4th grade about 6 years ago. I have a front tooth flipper, and here lately I have been noticing it cracking and stuff, but the cracks weren't in a very impoertant place, like enough to break it. Well today, I looking at the tooth part itself and it is starting to become EXTREMELY loose! Like I can wiggle it! My parents can't afford the $400 it takes though till like January and it isn't gonna hold till then. I haven't told them yet that it is getting loose but my mom has already said she can't before. Does anyone know of a place I can go to get affordable flippers? Thanks for all you're help!
Hi, is their anyone in the united states Looking for a pole dance studio to come in your area?
Pole Spin Secrets are a mobile Pole dance Party Company- We also have a studio as well, We come to you for any occasion rather its for fun, fitness or personal... or just because. We offer pole dance lesson Beginners through Advance also we teach extoic sensual dance class and parties- Like Stripper 101, Luscious lap dance, Sexy chair secrets, Jiggle it Wiggle it, Dirty dozen and more; If you or someone you know are looking to learn pole dance lesson or have a pole party you can email me @ or contact me M: [205.701.8975] OR O: [888.633.9905] Please leave a message and I will return your call within 2 hours or less- Reply only if you live inside the united states; (Sorry!) I am looking for different areas to grow and teach pole lessons/pole parties. I do not promote nudity. I teach Beginners through Advance- As well as Exotic Sensual Class- Thanks In Advance!! Happy Pole... I am open to teach men only if they are professional and really want to learn- Thanks agin.. Happy Pole
What should I say to him?
this really cute guy ive been noticing around my apartment complex just lately has been coming up to me everytime I am out walking my dog, going on and on about how cute my dog is and asking so many questions asbout my dog. I saw him today, and he even remembered my dogs name from when he asked me the other day lol. Well today he told me he was in town for 2 weeks visiting his dad. bummer... he lives 3 hours away from me. well, we told eachother wed see eachother around. Well, he is always outside. What are some things I coud do/say to capture his interest? I just think hes gorgeous... but darn not much time. lol
Weird Head Sensation What Can It Be?
Feeling a whoosh whoosh whoosh" rush in my head with each wave correlating with eye movements sometimes my eyes will wiggle but not no more what can it be? i also move like its a tic with the feeling in my head like if i feel the feeling in my head ill move or make a vocal noise with it :( what can it be anyone please help me out i don't kno what can it be i had it for 5 years i did an MRI and EGG and BLOOD WORK everythin came out normal
Smells like gas/mold/dead beast coming from both the pool house outside and both my bathrooms. what do I do?
I live in the bottom floor of a condo that my mom owns (she lives elsewhere) and is giving me an insane rent deal on. the living room backs up to the complexes pool pump house. some days it smells like a cross of natural gas/mold/dead beast, other days it only smells like one of those three things. sometimes months go by with out any smell, then a day or two of stench and then nothing again. when the smell is prevalent everyone in the house gets: tired, short fused, and has difficulty breathing. my mom says she can't/ wont get a hold of the home owners association because they have told her in the past that "its not there problem." and my mom refuses to have someone come to look at it. this battle has gone on for 3 years. what should I do? it's tearing my household apart!
Question about apartment security deposit refunds?
First off, I need to say that I'm a very clean person. I have two cats and both are bathed once a month or so. I had a neighbor with a dog that he let outside without a leash all of the time and I think he gave us fleas...The apartment complex I lived in said that we had fleas and they charged us like 500 dollars or something crazy. They said they exterminated, but that makes me liable for the extermination charges (not to mention I know it wasn't my fault)? They said there was no evidence of fleas in any other apartments except mine, with my always indoor cats. I just can't understand how they can get away with this. I paid a 250 dollar refundable security deposit for the cats and a 250 dollar security deposit for the apartment, somehow I owe them 90 dollars. There was no damage to the apartment.
Would you get a poolside chair massage?
If licensed massage therapists were poolside at your apartment complex pool (obviously if you live at a complex with a pool if you don't then just imagine) and you were laying out would you walk over and get a 15 min Chair massage for $15. These are massage therapist who have already received permission to be on the property. Yes/no? And why please? Thanks!
I was almost sued but settled out of court for less , but now still owe the orginal ?
They most probably sent this debt to collection agency before an agreement was made. Im in the uk so dont know how different it is for u, but when iv been in this situation i just rang the collwctions agency, explained my situation and notified them that i was not responsible to pay it. They will ask for copy of agreement, but then they should leave u alone
How on earth can Barcelona Football Club be beaten??!!?
It's very easy to beat Barcelona; thing is teams go in thinking it's very impossible to beat them and once you are in that mindset, truly you will find it hard to go past Barca. It has been shown that long balls crossed into the box beats them. Then another thing is contain Messi and you can have Barca at your finger tips
Power supply is stuck.?
I just bought a new power supply for my computer. It fit in my computer well, I plugged everything in and screwed it in, but wanted to take it out to look at something. But it won't come out. I unplugged everything, unscrewed the screws. It wiggles like it's loose, but it will not come out.
Does being eternal or supernatural make gods existence more probable?
whether you call god spirit or material, natural or supernatural, he would still be 'something' existing rather than a void. what makes something improbable is its level of complexity existing without cause. if god is eternal, he is irreducible complexity existing uncaused, by chance. god would be more complicated than anything he is capable of designing, making god more improbable than anything he is supposed to explain. being eternal or supernatural wouldnt make god any less complex, therefore any less improbable. If you disagree, please explain exactly why you disagree.
Who Will Win The Australian GP?
Vettel is the fastest out there. Red Bull has done its homework well and given him excellent machinery.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Is My "girlfriend" embarrassed of me?
We've just started dating and everythings' been going great, but until recently that we ran into her friend on our date; she lied to her friend about me. She told her I was 23 yrs old, that she met me at work and that i work at a park. She never holds my hand in public and when we do, she slowly wiggles it away. I put my arm around her and she moves away. When i try to kiss her, all of a sudden shes worried about her surroundings. When i walk her to car, she waits for all her friends to leave. When we text or talk, shes all "lovey dovey" Any ideas or suggestions?
Is my ear piercing ok? Is it infected? How should I treat it?
Your ears sound to be fine, just really irritated. Claire's, who do ear piercings, should sell some ear cleaners that'll help keep infection away. If anything too bad, I would see a doctor just to get it checked out so no permanent damage (if any) happens.
Chuck E Cheese's song?
i know this is embarrassing but i have been to C E C ( Chuck E Cheese's ) last week and there is a song on their line up and its with this guy who has an acoustic guitar and he sings about moving. i think part of the song goes "...wiggle your fingers wiggle your fingers hey la de da move your hands move your hands bend your elbows bend your elbows straighten your arms straighten your arms..." either way does anyone one know what T.V. show its from or what the song title is???
Easy to make foods that are healthy?
I am looking for ideas on how to make healthy meals in under 10 minutes. To get the best answer, please include the recipe if applicable. Please do not offer anything that requires a large time commitment, or is complex to make.
Help! I'm scared, what should I do?
Last weekend I was swimming in a river with tons of fish. I was having a blast until my bikini bottom fell off and a fish swam up into my private parts and started wiggling around. It tickled, so I let it stay in there for awhile. But I forgot about it and we were almost home when I remembered, so I didn't tell my parents about it, I planned to remove it while I was in the shower when we got home that day, but I forgot again. I just remembered because I haven't had my period yet! Please help me! The fish isn't wiggling anymore, I think it might have gotten me pregnant! It's stuck! What should I do? It was a big salmon too!!!
Good hobby for 19 year old male?
Here are some things i like to do on my spare time: Fishing, Hunting, Dirt bikes, Fourwheeler riding, Bike riding, Goin to tha pool hall. Theres plenty of things im sure you wil find fun.
Was i wrong to call my 10 year old chubby? I felt like he needed tough love?
My 10 year old son is 7stone and quite tall. His diet is not great at all, he wont eat meat and very very little veg. I cant force feed him only try and get him to eat nutritious foods. But as i work full time its not always easy to watch what he eats and his granny kinda lets him get away with rubbish food so long as he eats. Well Sunday it came to a halt, at 1pm i asked him if he ate breadfast, he didn’t i got quite angry and told him you will turn out very chubby if you don’t start eating right, people will say your getting fat. I know my words were cruel and upset him but i thought all my coaxing and gentle words are’nt sinking in so time for tough love. My main reason for this is because when my mother went back to work full time my younger brother fended for himself more or less, he used to eat fries, chips etc etc he is now very over weight and i don’t want to turn a blind eye like my mother did, its only now she realises how over weight he is. So i thought if i was a little tough on my son it would shake him into eating healthier. Last night he was asking me about good foods he could eat and we sat down and made a list of the foods that are healthy and he likes and im doing a little food shop for him every week so i think he is taking me seriously now but i don’t want to give him a complex and cause some sort of eating disorder. Was i right or wrong or how would you have approached the situation. I feel bad for not being there but i have to work but i am going to help him make better choices during the days when Gran is minding him and make him more aware of healthy eating.
Is this normal for a cartilage piercing?
uhm .. i dont think so .. mine kind of did the same thing. and it's find now .. but it takes A WHILE for them to heel ! so .. what made mind better for me was like touching it AS LESS as possible .. it heals faster that way. but if it becomes like really really irritated with a lot of discharge you might want to get it checked out just to be safe!
Rolling for 18+ hours! Help?
well from my experience with MDMA, the effects last about 4-7 hours, sometimes less sometimes more depending on how many pills I take. I am not an every weekend roller, I am not even a roller.. If I can't get alcohol to go out to a party with since I am underage, I will go with a friend I have who does roll often and we will take either E or pure MDMA. anyways, this sounds unusal for it to last that long. my pupils always are fine by the next morning. did your jaw grind the next day? MDEA is known to cause 'stoning' effects, like making you lazy or innactive, but thats with a very high dosage. but I've never heard of such a long roll. Maybe it is because you are very skinny? I am 5'8 and 120 pounds and I don't ever have that problem. also do you vomit (not by choice) after taking the pill? my friends almost every time they roll throwup because their body wants it out of their sysem, then they feel the effects. maybe it was in your body for too long?
Im really scared please help me! Is my lobe infected?
5 years ago i had my ears pierced and they got infected not i got them pierced again. It has been 6 weeks. I changed my earrings, the first time i had no problem. At night I had to change back into my studs so I took out my earring, But i couldnt find the back of the hole!! So I wiggled my earring back and forth for at least 10 minutes and my lobe started getting irritated so I had to put it in backwards (which worked). While I was trying to get my earring in it was oozing a clear liquid as well as some blood (i think)( i was too panicked to notice) and now im reallly scared!!! Will it get infected again? Now my ear lobe feels hot. Im scared please help me!!!
I try so hard, but my mom loves my sister more...?
There's this family reunion coming up and I really don't want to go because I just had a concussion and I want to rest, but my mom doesn't care and is forcing me to go anyways. I don't think this is fair! She never makes my sister go and honestly I think she likes my sister better. My sister has gotten into a ton of trouble (including with the law) and I'm basically the perfect child, yet she always treats my sister better. I can't understand why, but once again my sister has found a way to wiggle herself out of going and she's going to a party instead. I'm stuck going with a concussion! How can I convince my mom that this isn't fair? She is ALWAYS making excuses for my older sister.
Xabi alonso or Steven Gerrard?
Who is better player? If Real madrid swap xabi for Gerrard will agree? I will because gerrard is best CM and mourinho always wanted to sign gerrard. Sahin-Gerrard-ozil what a midfield
Yamaha fazer fzs 600cc 2000 model?
the choke problem may have something to do with the power problem . i would get it sorted by a mechanic
My Lan Adapter for my Wii keeps showing Error 52220, how can I fix it?
It's connected through an ethernet portal and the internet service provider is through my apartment complex which is also associated through my school. It could be the Firewall but I'm not sure. This is a wired connection, not wireless.
Tooth Knocked Loose with Braces?
i was hit on the mouth and i have braces, my tooth is loose now but it dosnt hurt. it didnt bleed too much but i can wiggle it a little bit. Yes it is a permanent tooth.
My BF says I have a complex and when i show it, it causes arguements. What can i do?
Well Idk what you look like since that is Kim, I think, on your pic. It's one of the kardashians. But your friends and family are the least honest because they don't want to hurt your feelings. No offence. You could probably be average and you realize that which is why when a pretty woman walks past you get jealous. You just seem like a jealous person in general and that is your down fall. Not much you can do till you really want to change.
Help - I'm starting to feel attracted to fernando alonso?
I used to think he was awful and looked like Sam eagle from the muppets but now I fancy him - please someone help me get back on the one true jenson path
Cavalier P0118 temp sensor problem?
My 99 cavalier has set the P0118 coolant temp sensor code about a month ago. Changed the sensor twice to be sure that wasn't it. Proved it today by testing the sensor itself. Sensor is fine. When I erase the code, car works great. Takes a few minutes for guage to work, then when it does, a few more minutes until its craps out again. this issue is causing the tranny to shift hard as well so you can see this being an urgent problem. All wiring looks fine, wiggle testing doesn't change a thing. Any answers or troubleshooting would be great. Thank you
What kind of worms does my cat have?
I have 5 indoor cats, and one of them got out on the roof through an open window. A couple of weeks later I saw worms coming from her butt. They were coming out wiggling, and they were about the size of pieces of rice. They are a yellowish/white color. Later that same day I found the same worms in my own bowel movement. I went to the doctor, they took blood and a stool sample and said that the worms had passed and were no longer in my system. For a while we didn't see worms on the cat either, but just saw them again the other day. I am fine this time so far. What kind of worms does this sound like? I can't afford all the vet visits again! I researched it online and it sounded like roundworms.
Thoughts on a piece I wrote for my English class?
very good, but after one read its seems more descriptive of her environment than of her character and when you have to start talking abt her character with "julia was an intuitive girl...." it seems very blunt and in complete contrast to the description of her environment which flows like water. you are very good at description of the surroundings, use that to bring out the character. the character development seems very blocky, merge it with the rest of the text. when u describe the grass or the bushes bring out her thoughts abt how she believes there are secrets hidden behind them, in them/it and how when the wind blew she wanted to follow it to see where it went to see perchance where it began,< this is just a crude example to describe her curious character, her determination, start it off smoothly, ease into the character. ( i hope this helps somehow, i would want to read further)
Is it ok to use aveeno lotion in your anus?
It says daily mosturizinf active photobarrier complex UVA/uvb protection. I want to try fingering my anus, Is this lotion safe for that???
Would I be unfair to my brother?
im 13 and i lost my parents as well and i have a large family 10 total and we live with my oldest sister she is 19 and engaged with 2 kids then there is me and our 4 other sisters and our 1 brother
Too many vitamin supplements causing stomach ache?
i always have a sensitive stomach and i have celiacs disease (gluten intolerance) i have no eaten foods with wheat in years and none of my vitamin supplements have wheat they all say gluten free. i started taking biotin with B-complex (to grow out my hair longer) and i take them each once a day and then i also take Lysine (because i have herpes) and a zinc supplement too. the B-complex does not contain iron... why am i getting sick does this have anything to do with the vitamins is it too many? i do spread them out throughout the day
What are some good romance anime?
High School Rumble both a comedy and romance. It's about a high school girl who likes a boy, and the "bad boy" of the school likes the girl. It's a silly anime and is mainly comedy, but also has a nice romance twist.
I have a friend (let's call him Schmecky) who seems to have developed late onset Tourettes Syndrome?
Don't you have anything better to do? Jokes about debilitating neurologic disorders get very old, very quickly, especially for people like ME who have them. Don't be a friking idiot, find something better to do. Like volunteer work or a summer camp on science or sports or something, anything, so your brain doesn't rot and turn to mush. No, that doesn't actually happen, but I'll say this: you're wasting an awful lot of gray matter and brain cells making dumb jokes that are only insulting to a disabled minority group and make you sound incredibly unintelligent. Tourette Syndrome isn't a "cursing disease."
What IF (Black Card) Fifa 11 Ultimate Team should I have?
I have around 150-170k to spend including subs. I really want an amazing in form team! My current team is Valdes 85, Ramos 85, Pique 85, Terry 86, Cole 84, Xabi Alonso 85, Essien 85, Aguero 85, Kaka 86, Forlan 87, Villa 88. I know it's a great team but I want a good in form team. Thanks!!
My ex landlord keeps putting up fake reviews of the complex that he is asst Mgr of How can he be outed?
I lived in an AWFUL apartment back in Texas and I and others have reviewed it on Apartment Ratings dot com and no one gives it good marks. The asst Mgr keeps adding good reviews but it is obvious he is the one placing the reviews says the same things in the same way each time but uses different email accounts. How can he be stopped? Should I just let it go? It was like living in the Third World in that place!! That is the only apartment I have ever had trouble and I want people to know how bad it is but is it worth it to keep sparing with this guy online? I think he may be a sociopath or maybe just money hungry, I don't know which.
Who will win in an unlikely friendly between Mantottenham United vs Real Chelsea?
Remove Carvalho and replace with David Luiz, Alonso in Essien on the bench. REAL CHELSEA will eat them amntottenham. handsdown.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What are the bad parts of indianapolis ?
I'm moving there for school and Im searching for an aparment but I don't want to live in a bad area. Also if you have an apartment complex in mind that's 2 bed rooms allows dogs and is in the north part of Indy that would be awsome So anyone please help
Im 14 with a loose baby molar?
Ok so I went to the dentist a couple months ago, and he told me I have a baby tooth that I should start wiggling or by the next time I see him he's gonna pull it out. So I started wiggling it and now it's really loose. But not loose enough for me to pull it out. I don't know what to do.
Is there a reason that the portugal national team on rugby 08 contains liverpool players/managers?
Ive played this game for a number of years but have only discovered who is actually in the pretend portugal team. I know that EA didn't have a license to use the real team, but i'm starting to think that the person who invented the name's was a liverpool fan. The team includes: B. Paisley, D. Alg'leash, R. Benitez and X. Alonso. There may well be others but my limited liverpool knowledge has only noticed these. Does anyone know if this was deliberate or by accident?
I'm making a cd for a kid (3.5 years). Song suggestions?
I'm making this cd for my nephew. I do not want typical boring children's songs, i.e. Wiggles, Sesame Street, etc., or anything Disney/annoyingly poppy, i.e. Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, etc. I'm including songs by the Beatles and No Doubt. I know it's not you're average kid's cd, but I'm no average aunty. Any song suggestions?
I tried to erase some apps on my iPod but apps just wiggle and no x appears anyone know what it might be?
No 'X' appears on the apps that are automatically set on the ipod, they don't let you delete those. But if the 'x' is not appearing on apps that you have purchased, contact apple!
Do you think Nuri Sahin will start next season for Real Madrid?
He is my newest favorite player and im wondering if i will get to see him start for Real Madrid next year. if i had my way Xabi Alonso would leave or maybe sahin could be a second defensive midfielder next to him. what do you think of his chances??
BLARRGGG!!! I feel lethargic today, can you give me an energetic song or album to get the blood pumping?
Decapitated a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Am I being paranoid or logical?
OK I have a mild mental disorder and live in an apartment complex with several of my peers as well as other people from all walks of life. All of my close neighbors have families with children. The complex is offering a summer lunch program for all children aged 1-17 and all the residents that are considered disabled such as myself. I do not want to go and eat because I think things such as "what makes me better than my neighbor" and "I don't want to eat with these kids my neighbors will think I'm a child stalker" Is this line of reasoning logical or paranoid?
Im i the only 1 who enjoyed the diving show by spurs players yesterday ?
How different would it have been if Spurs had a penalty in the first two minutes. Bale does go over easily but the other two should have been penalties. Those boys with the wands on the goalline are a waste of time and money
What happens after the apartment complex i applied to tells me i have been approved?
They'll probably have you come in to fill out paperwork, and tell you when they need your deposit/first month by, and when you can move in.
Messi vs cristiano this season 2011 .?
Again the dead goat ronaldo has woken up . PUPPYnaldo vs messi comparison is heatin up . real madrid fans , premfaces+ man u fans inter + some **** fans has again started the debate . TAP-INaldo has more goals this season from more matches messi is 2 to 3 goals less in all matches . But messi has double the assist of ronaldo ( highest in la liga 14) . Ronaldo has 4 more penalty than messi . Most of his goals are **** tap ins and poaching inzhagi type goals with one or two good goals there and here . Messi has less no of tap ins . Messi goals are from stunning chips , 2 to 3 man dribbling solo goals .its not because of xaviesta that messi scope goals infact this season only 6 of messi goals are from their assists . Its not like POACHERALDO is playin with b class players he is playin with ozil/alonso/demaria top quality players . Messi takes less shot than ron and has higher succes rate . Then again about ronaldo is better because he can take free kicks ( messi had i stunning one this season ) headers + speed + muscles + fashion + ego + bla bla bla . Its not about attributes its how you much you give yourself to the team so that in the end the entire team shines through your team play . Its all about how you use your attributes intelligently with clever movement vision in a match of 11 vs 11 in which game can be decided by centimeter .it can even be about selflessness like what eto , superb strikes played a right full back for inter tactical who over barca . It can be about accepting your limits and working for the team as messi did in this classico and when time arrived he produced two outrageous xaviesque passes for villa ( an attribute which penaltynado doesn't have ). Then again messi didn't play in world best league english pub/rugby league neither did zidane/REAL RONALDO /platini or cryuff . Hey prem faces real madrid fans its a crime against YOUNGER messi ( twice ballan d @ age 23 ) to compare him with 2 and half year older WHINIANO . Got it . And by t
Foot tattoo swelling?
When I got my tattoo on my foot mine was not swollen... IDK why, but it should be fine as Long as you are keeping an eye on it and keeping it clean!
How can I connect my xbox 360 slim to a public Wi-Fi network?
I live in an apartment and I don't have a router right now cause I don't have the money for it yet. I just moved apartments but am still in the same complex. I used my downstairs neighbor's network (it was unsecured and he didn't know I used it) and now I can't play xbox live without being signed out constantly due to poor connection (I can still pick up the network I used to use but it's too poor to stay connected). Now on to my point, my apartment complex has its own wifi network system where there is a network for each building of 8 apartments. These networks require a username and password which I know what mine are but I don't know if it's possible to join the network on my xbox slim (the newest black one). I can join it but it won't let me put in the username and password so I can connect to the Internet. Does anyone know how I can d� this or is it not possible and I should just wait and get a router?
I'm going to ask a girl out, and need some help.?
go up to her and ask her "are you free this weekend" it will either be yes or no. then she will say why. and tell her i was wondering if you want to go see a movie with me this weekend. and go from there.
Liverpool fans , we're being linked with ........?
I think it would be a good signing, he has the experience and he is something that Liverpool have lacked over the last two years, i think he would be good for at least 2 seasons for Liverpool
Is the EPL bullying flair players away?
Watching a vid of Alonso being on the end of 6 red card tackles in 08/09 season (some nasty ones too) and hearing Nani complaining about being constantly injured, can we really blame skillful players of wanting to play in Serie A or La Liga where there is less emphasis on tough tackling?
7.5 Gallon tank... Hmmm, choices?
Skip the Cories. They are a schooling fish to be kept at at LEAST 4 in a school, but a proper school is 6 so 1 would not be good. 5 male guppies should be okay I guess...I might take it down to 3 or 4.
Can atheists prove that God doesn't exist?
Yes, creator is nature. Things are only complex if that is the way you want to view it. The Ford model T was once complex. That same car is primitive now. Get my point.
How is the Real Madrid line-up going to look next year?
Honestly I think are gonna play a 3-3-3-1. Three fullback Ramos Carvalho Pepe. 3 attacking and defending midfielders Coentrao Alonso and Marcelo. 2 playmakers-wingers in Ozil and Di Maria and a free-role player CR7 and a forward either Pipa or Higuain.
Who hangs up first in this trade proposal? Mets or Reds?
The Reds need to invest in a starting pitcher who can go reasonably deep into a game. He can take Volquez' spot in the rotation.
What could this medical condition be a symptom of?
I'm a 36 yo female. For the past several weeks the toes on my left foot feel stiff. I can't always wiggle them it's like they're stuck except the thumb is ok. If I pull with my hand to move them like if it's curled in a weird shape and I can't get it to straighten on its own, sometimes it'll hurt like I pulled a muscle and then I'll feel it gradually come to life over time while it still feels weird and dull then at a later time it'll freeze up again like the nerves aren't receiving the message to move. Any idea what it could mean? I'm normal weight and height, otherwise healthy and don't have diabetes or anything else I'm aware of.
Should 'Arry employ Bale as a Left Back to stop Ronaldo...?
Kaka will be on the bench for Ozil,and you forgot Sergio Ramos whom Bale has to face.Bale tore Maicon,who's better than Ramos,when Tottenham faced Inter,so I don't see why Bale can't do it to Ramos.C Ronaldo will win vs Ekotto.Palacios/Sandro should snuff Ozil out while Luka can spring some passes.Van der Vaart should do some damage to Khedira and Alonso.Hutton and Lennon are clear winners vs di Maria and Marcelo while there will be a battle between Carvalho and Pepe vs Crouch.Higuain won't be playing due to having completed surgery,so it'll be Benzema as the lone striker.Thus it'll be a close game.
Weight problems.. Is anorexia the answer?
Actually, people don't choose anorexia, it chooses them. Sure if you want to loose a couple pounds that's okay! But 300 calories a day isn't enough. And btw I'm anorexic and I at in te negative calories per day. Don't so that. Please. With anorexia you can get some serious mental health issues. Plus anyone who isn't completely anorexic will most likey binge it all back. Don't try this. (:
Earphones keep cutting out?
I also had the same problem with the left earphone screwing up. In my case i just bought another ones and they are perfectly working right now. In your case if none of the earphones that you've bought don't work, then you might need to replace your Ipod.
Is Scholes over-rated?
Alonso was better than the aging Scholes who didn't score much but the younger scholes who scored often was better than Alonso ever will be.
How to lower a foot pedal or raise the gear pedal on a 400ex.?
I have a 2008 trx400ex honda atv. I have just purchased new racing boots. The boots are bigger than average shoes so when I go to change gears I do not have enough wiggle room to do so. Does anyone know how to increase the space from the foot pedal to the gear pedal?
Magazine won't work for my agm 614?
i just got my new agm hk 416/614 today, and it came with a magazine that is pretty good, but i also already owned a dboys m4 metal hi cap magazine too, which i though would be fine because the 614 takes all m4 parts and stuff, but when i put the magazine in, every few shots if i wiggle it around a little i can hear the little button you pull back to release bbs going, so more bbs get in, why isnt it just staying pushed? what should i do??
This nice girl is shoving her boobs at me!!!?
I'm 13 so is she. She is really nice and pretty. She has a really nice figure and nice boobs too. They are not that big, just sort of. At school, she's in one of my classes, at the middle school. So sits right next to me. The other day she was wear a short sleeved v neck. It showed a little cleavage. Not much though. When she turned to look over at me, I looked at her. Then while she looked at me she was smiling and sort of fixing/playing with her bra. She grabbed the point of the v neck and pulled it down about an inch then wiggled it back up. We are pretty close but just friends. So we were playing a game in PE, with two teams. And she was on mine. Then I kind of made the our team win. Then she ran up to me and hugged me really tight, and jumped up and down. She pressed her boobs on my chest really hard. Then when she stopped hugging me she smiled at me and cupped her hands on her boobs. Also in between classes she ran into me and we both tripped. And I realized my hand was cupping her boob, and she was smiling and looking at me! So what do you think????
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How to make my dog ignore other dogs on a walk?
Try to spot oncoming dogs before he does. Get his focus on you. Treats work well. Once past the other dog and settled down, praise him.
My rabbit had 1 baby and is not caring for it. What do I do?
My rabbit pulled her fur out last night. I was not sure why because she has been in a hutch all by herself. I moved her to another hutch to clean the one she was in. I no sooner moved her and I noticed a small wiggling object in her enclosed area. I then realized she had pulled her hair out because she was having babies (not sure how this happened because she has been in a hutch by herself for the last 4 months). I quickly gathered the hair form the other hutch and put it in the enclosed area. I watched her to see if she was going to have more or eat the one she had beings it was her first litter. She did not eat it nor is she caring for it. She is still pulling fur out and making a new nest but has not had any more babies. What should I do if she refuses to care for the one she had and how long should I wait before I worry about her not having anymore?
Can I sue my apartment complex?
I was held at gun point and robbed right outside my apartment. The main light by my apartment is not working, making it very dark. The guy hide in a dark corner waiting for someone to walk by. I contacted my apartment office and told them what happened. They said they would fix the light and get a security guard. When I moved in I was told that there was a guard on duty 24/7 but you never see a person just a car parked outside the gate. It's been a week since this has happened and the light still doesn't work and still no guard. Do I have a case to sue them? I don't feel safe walking outside my own house in the dark. Also the apartments advertise how safe the complex is but at lease 3 apartments from my building have been robbed.
Do you think count liverpool as one of the big 4 when even Villarreal have better players?
i just see a huge decline in quality even though i like suarez, they'll never replace, torres, xabi alonso and riise
How do I get my window screen off?
my apartment complex has really weird window screens. it doesnt have any tabs to pull on or anything like that. all it has is two white metal pieces in the top two cornees of the frame with a screw holding them to the frame. HELP!
Can taking Vitamin B50 Complex cause me to skip a period?
So i have just started taking these vitamin B50 Complex pills, and i just missed my period for the month of June. I have been taking 2-3 a day with meals. Now usually i wouldn't worry about a missed period, but because i had unprotected sex on may 28, i am a little concerned. I am not on the pill, ( used to be but haven't taken it for about 7 months, and all my previous period have still been regular). So im wondering if there is a possibility that the Vitamins could have an influence on my menstrual cycle, before i jump to any conclusions.
Why can't I lose weight when I've been busting my butt?!?!?
I'm a 36 yr old female, 5'3, 169lbs. I have been eating low carbs (my carbs come from fruit, vegetables, and some low carb pitas) and doing zumba 6 days a week for almost 7 weeks now. I've lost 11lbs, but for some strange reason NO inches. About 5 yrs ago I did low carb (Atkins) and lost 50lbs in 3 months without any exercise at all! Over the years I was always able to fall back into low carb to lose winter weight. I'm becoming very frustrated and discouraged. I have not had more than 20-30 carbs in one day, and probably eat about 1200-1500 calories. I drink about 70 ounces of water, I don't consume any caffeine at all, and I take fish oil, and vitamin B complex. Is there anyone out there that could have a suggestion for me? I know your only supposed to lose 2lbs a week, but like I said, I've been doing this on and off for 5 yrs and usually atleast lose 20lbs in the first 3 weeks. I know I'm getting older, but the Zumba kicks my a$$, so you'd think the fat would be melting away! Any one with advice would be great! Thanks so much :)
Math question help, can you help me with a complex problem?
Yesterday I had 240 points, then I received 17 deletions, I appealed all 17 and was declined on all but 1. So if x=240, y=160 and z=Yahoo Customer Care combined IQ score @ x-y, how many drool buckets and helmets must be ordered from the warehouse to replace Yahoo's aging equipment?
What do you think of the new Real Madrid?
Well I used to be a big fan of Real Madrid but I got tired that they spent so much money and they didn't win anything, to top that I dislike most players only players I like are Casillas, Ramos, Higuain, X. Alonso, Ozil, Raul Albiol, and Arbeloa. To top that I hate mourinho he's so overrated and he thinks he's the best when to be honest Pellegrini did a better job with a weaker team. Same with Ronaldo he sucks and he still has the guts to say he's the best. To top that Raul left Real Madrid (we all know he was forced out). Now I decided to go for Arsenal. So what do you think about this Mess of a team called Real Madrid?
What's that popular dance right now where people lean back and wiggle their arms?
What's that dance where people bend backwards and wiggle their arms and walk, it looks kinda stupid but its popular with teens and stuff
Would liverpool win the prem if we still had alonso and mascherano?
I think if we had the players they are now we would but if they'd stayed with us they wouldn't be as good so we wouldn't win it.
(world history help) what is needed to create civilization?
what are the most important elements necessary for the creation of civilization? (explain how it becomes more complex as it gains these elements and how it differs from earlier social organizations)
Is Kenny Dalglish bringing back our Liverpool from the 70s and 80s?
Yes a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Solved my spider problem, but still need help?
I figured out that the reason there are so many spiders in my apartment is because I have a really bright "safety light" right outside my window that attracts the bugs. The light goes on and stays on from 5:00 pm to 5:00 am and there's no way to turn it off cept take the bulbs out which I have thought about doing. Theres also a river right behind our apartment complex which doesn't help either. I have closed all the cracks and crevices I could find, but the bugs still come through the screens in the windows. Is there some sort of plant or spray or something that I can use to make the bugs avoid going around my apartment? I don't want to have my apartment professionally sprayed because they would have to spray all of the apartments around mine and I really don't feel like paying to have my neighbors apartments sprayed for bugs.
Does this sound more like a boil or some sort of skin cancer?
I know it sounds hard to mix these up, but I'm still confused. I've had this reddish brown bump on my torso for about 2 months. It swelled up and I popped it. Lots of puss came out and died down. Recently It started to get flaky and red and lately it's been oozing out blood. I showed my dad and he said it was boil because he had one like that. The only thing is it's not warm like a boil and haven't had a fever or any of the side effects that come with a boil. It also hasn't spread like cancer is supposed to and doesn't wiggle like a tumor. I recently started putting antibiotics on it and I'm trying to see how that goes, but so far what does this sound like?
I have a baby tooth that broke in half?
OK, a long time ago i had a baby tooth that was loose. i went to pull it out, and it broke in half. i forgot about it because i didnt want the area to bleed anymore. well now the adult tooth is fully grown and in its place. the half tooth is still there, and it's a little wiggly. it hurts a little bit if i mess with it to much. i went to the dentist a while ago and they said just wiggle it and it should come out. it still didnt. how should i try to remove it ???
Why is Gareth Bale so overrated?
I completely agree with Gareth Bale being over rated. He is predictable and one-dimesional. Get the ball, throw it past the defender 20 yards then follow. There is no denying his unbelievable pace and his final ball/delivery has certainly improved this year but in reality, he hasn't set the Premier League alight this year or really came close to? I personally would love to see Gareth Bale in a situation that requires him to break down a team rather than counter attack. I just don't feel he is technically good enough to be considered one of the best this year. Robben, Di Maria and Pedro are far more consistenly threatning not to even mention Ronaldo or Messi.
How can i write a complaint letter to my manager about my 3 problems in the complex?
Okay well im having 3 problems with 3 of my neighbors one who doesnt even live here another who keeps his motorcycle inside his house and another because he is keeping his nephews inside of the apartment which he is not i the contract. how can i write it?
If kaka recovers completely from injury where should he play in real' s starting XI and who will be benched ?
should mourinho stick to the 4-2-3-1 or will he changed to something like 4-3-3 with kaka and ozil as attacking midfielders and xabi alonso as defensive midfielder ?
Why don't Real Madrid fans get on their knees to congratulate us on our 3rd consecutive League titles...?
coz, real suck anyway. what a pure waste of players??? i hate cr7, n more than that real's overrated coach!! when will he stop giving excuses, how many more red cards will he receive? when will real stop playing with 10 men against barca? when will they stop playing rugby against barca? the team that had some world class talents like zizu, becks, etc has spoiled the careers of many players. they r a team which deals in business buying n selling players not makin them! raul is my fav player. look, where he is playing. schalke04! not the ideal team for a player like him. still he singlehandedly managed to take them to the uefa cl semis. i still am clueless about why van der vaart was sold. see his record at white hart lane and u can say he is no doubt a very good player. it's not that i hated real from the beginning but they lack team spirit. ever seen real playing with the same team for more than 2 yrs of lately.... look at barca, man! they are real superstars!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
How can I watch blacked out baseball games?
I live right on a state border, but not in the state of my team. I am not allowed to have directv in my complex, and cable does not carry the fox sports channel with my team. Furthermore, blacks out my team in my area. Is there a way I can change my IPA so that I can subscribe to or a place on the web where I can watch my team?
B complex cream and brands?
What are the benefits for the face ? Are the results noticable ? And what good brands offer a b-comp cream ?
Did i pull out a grown up tooth?
so a year ago i went to the orthodontist and i was hoping to get braces, but the they said i need to take out a lot of baby teeth before i get braces. so i took out all of them. the last one was this small tooth i had on my upper teeth and it was loose so i assumed it was a baby tooth that needed to be taken out. yesterday i was wiggling it and it came out. i cleaned up the blood and i realized there wasn't a ingrown tooth there. nothing, only my gums! i was crying because i remember one day i hit my tooth against a seat and it probably loosened a grown up teeth. it was probably a grown up tooth that was loosened because of that reason. what do you think? i hope i didn't end up toothless ):
Sanity not included question about one the games?
In babysitting(the episode) at 1:40 there is a game that looks cartoonish and he says '' its a fight yall, so you dont wanna get CUT!'' ''So turn around and stick your finger in your BUTT!'' '' And you wiggle it around''. all i want to know is what is the game?
My MacBook isn't charging and now won't turn on?
My dad ordered me a MacBook on eBay it's like 3 years old. Well the first 2 days it worked fine but last night I let it go down til almost dead and plugged it in and it said not charging so I wiggled the power cord and the light finally turned orange so I thought it was charging. This morning I got up to a dead computer. I did the whole reset power off thing but after I powered off now it won't turn on. I tried taking out the battery Unpluging the power cord then plugging it back in and putting the battery in but it still doesn't work. What should I do? I can't even get the stupid thing to turn on!!
I had a dream I had gay sex (I'm a guy)?
It may signify one of your fantasies... Just maybe one that u haven't convinced yourself to believe. If it was great sex, it may be one u'd like to come true! I'm just saying=)
Who are the most important players in real madrid besides cr7?
first you have today's best goalkeeper and the third best in FIFA's all time rankings,SAN Iker Casillas,then there's ramos whose a special player both on the defense and the offece,and has a bright future considering his young age,Alonso and ozul who are the REAL masterminds on the team's midfield,and last but not least,there's benzema who's finally starting to remind us of his great days in Lyon
England sexy 11 vs spain sexy 11?
First I thought it was a chick asking that....then I realize a woman probably wouldn't know the name of all this players.
Babysitters in the Southchase, FL Area?
I just moved here from CA and new to the Southchase area. I've currently been hired at the movie theatres near my home, and at another store in the same complex. The problem is my work is walking distance from my home, but negotiationg a reasonable fee for my kids 6yrs& 1 1/2 yrs and to have the sitter available for a flex shift is hard to find. my first job has a shift that varies between 12noon-5:30p and 5:30pm-11pm....the second jobs schedule is yet to be determined. I have no car hense the close jobs. If anyone knows someone who's interested please have them contact me at I would love to negotiate a price with you!!! I'm a single parent in need of some help so please let me know anything that could help!
How should I rephrase this?
Talk about DRAMATIC!! Damn just got to the question and 3 damn PARAGRAPHS! dang... i didnt even read them... lol
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