Monday, July 11, 2011

The Tempest: Prospero and Alonso?

Twelve years ago, Alonso helped Prospero's brother Antonio usurp Prospero's position as Duke . Prospero and his little daughter Miranda were set adrift in a little boat, which brought them to the enchanted island where they have lived ever since. In a way, Prospero contributed to his own overthrow, because he was more interested in studying magic than in governing his duchy. On the island, he has continued to study magic, and as the play begins, a storm that he has evidently conjured up causes a ship with Alonso and Antonio (and several other people) in it to be blown ashore on that island. In short, Prospero has used his magic to bring the people who injured them into his power. He could use this opportunity to take revenge on them, but instead he uses his magic to make them see themselves with all their faults and to bring out the best in Alonso, at least. Now I suggest that, if you don't have time to read the play, you at least google a summary of it and then think what those two would say to each other if they were alone together.

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