Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can a landlord counter sue me?

I am thinking of suing my ex-landlord for not giving me a an itemized deduction list within the 14-day time limit according to Washington State guidelines. I received a partial payment with no explanation. I went through the Better Business Bureau to get a response from the Apt. complex and they told BBB that they gave me an itemized list. They faxed over a copy of my 1-year contract along with a letter to the BBB in which they explained the deductions in the letter (they didn't fax over the itemized list, just an explanation in the letter), along with telling the BBB that they were nice enough to not charge me for the 2 days I was there (I moved out on the 2nd of the month). I gave the apt. complex the 20-day notice to move out notifying them that I was moving on the 3rd. The landlord showed up at my door on the 1st of the month and told me that if I didn't move out on the 2nd, that he would charge me the full month's rent. If I sue them, can they counter sue me for the full months rent or anything else? Thank you.

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