Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do people put so much emphasis on IQ and intellect?

It annoys me so much there are so many different types of intelligence e.g. Creative, Emotional, and social. but people seem to think that a high IQ is the end all. I have a average IQ, yet i have grade 8 Piano, Grade 6 theory working for 8, and am good at composing, therefore I have a high creative intelligence, but no one seems to appreciate these skills in the same way as a high IQ, I mean is it really that great if you can solve a complex math formula, i cant but what I can do is write a chromatic fugue, write a concerto etc. My view is that music touches the the soul in a way that intellect can't and for that reason i wouldn't change myself in the slightest. A famous scientist when asked what would he show an alien race, he answered the complete works of Bach, Einstein himself said that creativity is more important than knowledge. Let me go bach to bach they predicted his IQ is 165 if think that is wrong, I think that his IQ was about 100 to 110, but his creative intelligence was very high, there is also some evidence that he may of been slightly autistic. But what I am trying to get at is why is there a Superiority around have a high IQ everybody is different and have different strengths and weaknesses, what do you guys think?

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